
کتاب تبلور ترکیبات آلی: دیدگاه صنعتی (Crystallization of Organic Compounds An Industrial Perspective)


عنوان کتاب: Crystallization of Organic Compounds: An Industrial Perspective

نویسندگان: Hsien-Hsin Tung, Edward L. Paul, Michael Midler, James A. McCauley

انتشارات: Wiley
تاریخ انتشار:2023
ویرایش: دوم
زبان: انگلیسی
تعداد صفحات:384
نوع فایل: PDF

کتاب تبلور ترکیبات آلی: دیدگاه صنعتی، راهنمای عملی است که اصول تبلور را با انواع روش‌‌ها، مطالعات موردی و نمونه‌های صنعتی متعدد بررسی می‌کند. در این کتاب تجربیات عملی نویسندگان به عنوان مهندسان فرآیند در زمینه فرآیندهای کریستالیزاسیون ترکیبات آلی، هم در مقیاس توسعه آزمایشگاهی و هم مقیاس صنعتی آورده شده است.

Preface ix

1. Introduction to Crystallization

1.1 Crystal Properties and Polymorphs

1.2 Nucleation and Growth Kinetics

1.3 Mixing and Scale- Up

1.4 Critical Issues and Quality by Design

1.5 Crystallization Process Options

1.6 Downstream Operations

1.7 Special Applications

2. Properties

2.1 Solubility

2.2 Supersaturation, Metastable Zone, and Induction Time

2.3 Oil, Amorphous, and Crystalline States

2.4 Polymorphism

2.5 Solvate

2.6 Solid Compound, Solid Solution, and Solid Mixture

2.7 Inclusion and Occlusion

2.8 Adsorption, Hygroscopicity, and Deliquesce

2.9 Crystal Morphology

2.10 Partical Size Distribution and Surface Area

3. Polymorphism

3.1 Phase Rule

3.2 Phase Transition

3.3 Prediction of Crystal Structure and its Formation

3.4 Selection and Screening of Crystal Forms

3.5 Examples

Example 3.1 Indomethacin

Example 3.2 Sulindac

Example 3.3 Losartan

Example 3.4 Finasteride

Example 3.5 Ibuprofen Lysinate

Example 3.6 HCl Salt of a Drug Candidate

Example 3.7 Second HCl Salt of a Drug Candidate

Example 3.8 Prednisolone t- Butylacetate

Example 3.9 Phthalylsulfathiazole

4. Kinetics

4.1 Supersaturation and Rate Processes

4.2 Nucleation

4.3 Crystal Growth and Agglomeration

4.4 Nucleate/Seed Aging and Ostwald Ripening

4.5 Delivered Product: Purity, Cystal Form, Size and Morphology, and Chemical and Physical Stability

4.6 Design of Experiment (DOE)— Model- Based Approach

4.7 Model- Free Feedback Control

5. Mixing and Crystallization

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Mixing Considerations and Factors

5.3 Mixing Effects on Nucleation

5.4 Mixing Effects on Crystal Growth

5.5 Mixing Distribution and Scale- Up

5.6 Crystallization Equipment

5.7 Process Design and Examples

Example 5.1 Mixing Impact on Crystallization Kinetics

Example 5.2 Mixing Scale- Up Impact on Particle Size

6. Critical Issues and Quality by Design

6.1 Quality By Design

6.2 Basic Properties

6.3 Seed

6.4 Supersaturation

6.5 Mixing and Scale— Selection of Equipment and Operating Procedures

6.6 Strategic Considerations for Crystallization Process Development

6.7 Summary of Critical Issues

7. Cooling Crystallization

7.1 Batch Operation

7.2 Continuous Operations

7.3 Process Design— Examples

Example 7.1 Intermediate in a Multistep Synthesis

Example 7.2 Pure Crystallization of an API

Example 7.3 Crystallization Using the Heel from the Previous Batch as Seed

Example 7.4 Resolution of Ibuprofen Via Stereospecific Crystallization

Example 7.5 Crystallization of Pure Bulk with Polymorphism

Example 7.6 Continuous Separation of Stereoisomers

8. Evaporative Crystallization

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Solubility Diagrams

8.3 Factors Affecting Nucleation and Growth

8.4 Scale- Up

8.5 Equipment

8.6 Process Design and Examples

Example 8.1 Crystallization of a Pharmaceutical Intermediate Salt

Example 8.2 Crystallization of the Sodium Salt of a Drug Candidate

Example 8.3 API Hydrate with Low Water Solubility

9. Anti- solvent Crystallization

9.1 Operation

9.2 In- Line Mixing Crystallization

9.3 Process Design and Examples

Example 9.1 Crystallization of an Intermediate

Example 9.2 Rejection of Isomeric Impurities of Final Bulk Active Product

Example 9.3 Crystallization of a Pharmaceutical Product with Strong Nucleation and Poor Growth Characteristics

Example 9.4 Impact of Solvent and Supersaturation on Particle Size and Crystal Form

Example 9.5 Crystallization of an API Using Impinging Jets

Example 9.6 Crystallization of a Pharmaceutical Product Candidate Using an Impinging Jet with Recycle

Example 9.7 In Situ Wet Seed and Particle Generation Using In- line Mixer

10. Reactive Crystallization

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Control of Particle Size

10.3 Key Issues in Organic Reactive Crystallization

10.4 Creation of Fine Particles— In- Line Reactive Crystallization

10.5 Process Design and Scale- Up

Example 10.1 Reactive Crystallization of an API

Example 10.2 Reactive Crystallization of an Intermediate

Example 10.3 Reactive Crystallization of a Sodium Salt of an API

Example 10.4 Reactive Crystallization of an API

11. Filtration

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Basic Properties

11.3 Kinetics

11.4 Process Design and Scale- Up

Example 11.1 Design of Cake Wash Composition and Wash Mode

12. Drying

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Basic Properties

12.3 Kinetics

12.4 Process Design and Scale- Up

Example 12.1 Scale- Up— Residual Solvent

Example 12.2 Scale- Up— Particle Agglomeration and Fracturing

13. Special Applications

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Crystallization with Supercritical Fluids

13.3 Resolution of Stereo- Isomers

13.4 Wet Mills in Crystallization

13.5 Computational Fluid Dynamics in Crystallization

13.6 Solid Dispersion— Crystalline and/or Amorphous Drugs

13.7 Process Design and Examples

Example 13.1 Sterile Crystallization of Imipenem

Example 13.2 Enhanced Selectivity of a Consecutive–Competitive Reaction by Crystallization of the Desired Product During the Reaction

Example 13.3 Applying Solubility to Improve Reaction Selectivity

Example 13.4 Melt Crystallization of Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Example 13.5 Freeze Crystallization of Imipenem

Example 13.6 Continuous Separation of Stereoisomers

Example 13.7 Hybrid Solid Dispersion



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